Mind Booster

You receive lifetime access to our private Mind Booster membership site, where you get access to all 10 modules of the Mind Booster Program. You receive a set of exercises to deepen your results for each module and keep you on the right track. And you will get exclusive access to our coaches. Click on the video to get a glimpse of the program from our coaches.


  • How to Create a Positive Vibration
  • How to Set Powerful Intention and Create Clear Goals
  • How to create Empowering Affirmations
  • What are Inspired Actions
  • How to Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs


  • Activating the law of attraction in your life
  • Find What You Are Passionate About
  • Break Through Your Challenges
  • How to Use Your Thoughts & Language for Success
  • Stay Connected To Source and Putting it All Together

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Mind Booster Program start?

You are free to start the program as soon as you purchase.

I have a busy daily schedule - how much time will I need to put to get results?

Ten modules make up the program, each of which focuses on a different component of the success formula. You can study each module at your own pace, and it will take you less than an hour to finish each one of them. In addition to your modules, you will also have short daily exercises, or you can also call them daily rituals. Therefore, as you progress through the program, there will be a time commitment. However, as majority of our students will testify, this program will be among the best things you’ll ever do for yourself because of the breakthroughs and successes you’ll have on a personal level. Additionally, by improving your habits, attention, energy, and productivity, this approach will help you become significantly less busy and less stressed than you were previously.

What kind of results should I expect with Mind Booster Program?

You’ll develop greater intuition and creativity. You’ll learn to better understand your emotions, passions, and desires. You’ll be more persuasive, more empathetic, and have stronger interpersonal relationships. You’ll have a greater sense of “harmony” and alignment with the vibrations of your environment as well as yourself. You should expect improving significantly as a manifestor. To put it briefly, the neuroscientific, psychological, and personal growth tools you receive will help you reach your full potential in terms of mind, body, and soul. You will develop into one of those individuals who others look up to as an example of how human potential is indeed boundless. It is entirely up to you then what you do with this newfound ability. Perhaps you will utilize it to advance in – your career? Or your finances? Or your social circle? Or your romantic life? Or simply enhance your connection with yourself? There are countless options.

Why should I purchase this course when there are so many people on social media sharing things for free?

With the Mind Booster Program, we hope to replicate the high-end mastermind experience without the exorbitant cost and long waiting period. This translates to comprehensive instruction with a human touch, complete with a range of interesting extras including one-on-one conversations with our coaches and a member-only Facebook page. It will be a pleasure to get in touch, collaborate, and expedite your outcomes with like-minded individuals who share your path. This program is purposely created to be an intensely intimate program that will shake you to your core and make you question about your way of thinking and your way of dealing with everything in your life. It will make you rewire your mindset. You will be profoundly changed by it, to the point where in a few months or weeks you might not even recognize your “old” way of thinking and living.

Can I get help if I need guidance with the program and associated exercises?

You’ll notice tiny shifts in your thoughts and emotions as soon as you acquire the Mind Booster Program and begin to listen and follow. Even better, as the days and weeks pass and your mind gets stronger from the repetition, these effects will become more apparent. You can write us at sapna@mindmagiq.com at any time if you’re having problems with your Mind Booster Program or if you don’t see these changes for any reason.

What results should I expect exactly, and how long before I see them?

The area of life you wish to focus on will determine the outcomes. However, in general, it comes down to very obvious improvements in the quality of your feelings, ideas, and behaviors and, surprisingly, even in the people and situations you draw into your life. To give you an example, you should expect to find yourself gaining an “instinct” for prosperity and success if you choose to concentrate on your wealth, as many people do. Your previous financial loss-causing behaviors and emotions, such as fear, putting things off, and hesitancy to make investments, will gradually start to fade. Along with being more focused and productive at work, you’ll also notice that you’re getting along better with your supervisor, coworkers, and clients. You’ll also find that individuals, chances, and “coincidences” begin to come into your life more frequently. And in actuality, this implies that the vibrations of your enhanced subconscious ideas are being picked up by the Universe itself. Our students frequently tell us about unexpected bonuses, pay increases, or unexpected meetings that lead to offers of lucrative new jobs or even their ideal careers. Regarding how quickly all of this occurs. It truly depends on your current situation and your desired outcome. The subconscious and neurological development of each individual varies. However, you should normally start to notice significant changes in your thought patterns, habits, and emotions within a few weeks to a few months. But keep in mind that this doesn’t imply that changes aren’t happening long before you become aware of them. Let’s use planting of seed as an example, once the seed is planted, it becomes visible only when it sprouts, but that doesn’t mean changes aren’t occurring underneath the ground.

What tools do I need for this?

You can play your Mind Booster Program on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Along with them, you’ll need a pen, diary, and headphones.